Solicitar una consulta

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Request Consultation

If yes, please provide the site’s Provider Number and Location Number. How to find these numbers.
Please choose from the following:

Child/Family: Consultant collaborates with families and caregivers and staff to understand and respond effectively to a child’s mental health needs. Assists caregivers to understand and effectively respond to the mental health needs of a family. Consults to families, other caregivers and staff about a particular child or family.

Classroom/Teacher: Consultant explores how the classroom supports all children’s social emotional development. Collaborates with parents and caregivers to assess relationships, routines, and practices that impact the classroom or home climate.

Programmatic: Consultant assesses a program’s systems, policies, procedures, professional development, philosophy and mission as they relate to supporting mental health of young children and their families.

Community: Assists organizations, systems, and communities to improve social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes through partnership, collaboration, and coordination. Activities include: providing outreach and engagement related to IMH, IECMHC, and other related topics; linking families, groups, and organizations; supporting cultural awareness, responsiveness, and celebration; facilitating training and education for families and the broader community; tracking community needs to inform larger system improvements; and, connecting families to events and opportunities for recreation and community participation.

Consultation Information

(Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC))
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