Your partner in infant and early childhood

mental health consultation

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About Healthy Minds Healthy Children

Strengthening development through mental health consultation
About Healthy Minds Healthy Children

Healthy Minds Healthy Children is Wisconsin’s infant and early childhood mental health consultation program. Designed and developed by national and state experts and led by the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health, we seek to support young children and families throughout Wisconsin. Rooted in relationships, our consultants work with caregivers and other professionals to understand their concerns, think together, and explore how to best support children aged birth to five.

Our Mental Health Consultation Services Support:

The well-being of caregivers
All young children benefit when their caregivers are healthy and able to manage stress well. Through a trusting and reliable relationship, consultants build the capacity of adults and professionals to better support children’s healthy development. In addition, a relationship with a mental health consultant contributes to a reduction in caregiver stress and promotes new ways of being with themselves and the children they serve.

The well-being of all children
Consultation increases the confidence and ability of all adults to support healthy social and emotional development for the children in their care. With practice, the skills caregivers learn become more automatic, helping them to promote a warm, engaging, and responsive environment while addressing mental health and developmental issues early.

Now Accepting Requests from Early Care and Education Providers

We’d love to partner with you to promote positive life skill development in the young children you serve

Healthy Minds Healthy Children is designed to offer universal support and services to professionals across all systems and disciplines serving children and families. Currently, we are focusing on our early care and education (ECE) professionals to help support your work with infants and young children. Our program is not about “fixing kids.” It’s about joining ECE providers in caring for the social and emotional growth of infants and young children in ECE settings. We hope to build a strong relationship between you and our mental health consultants so that you feel more confident and supported in meeting the mental, behavioral, social, and emotional needs of the children (and families) you serve.

Now Accepting Requests
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Our Mental Health Consultation Services

Personalizing consultation to meet the mental health needs of infants and young children

Relationships are at the core of the consultation services we provide. Our mental health consultants develop intentional relationships with adults and caregivers in young children’s lives to build their capacity to strengthen and support the healthy social and emotional development of the children they serve.

Our highly-trained and licensed mental health consultants specialize in:

  • Infant and early childhood development
  • The effects of stress and trauma on families
  • Caregiver-child relationship and attachment
  • The impact of adult mental health on developing children

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Highly Trained and Licensed Mental Health Consultants
Now Accepting Requests

Now Accepting Requests from
Early Care and Education Providers

We’d love to partner with you to promote positive life skill development in the young children you serve

Healthy Minds Healthy Children is designed to offer universal support and services to professionals across all systems and disciplines serving children and families. Currently, we are focusing on our early care and education (ECE) professionals to help support your work with infants and young children. Our program is not about “fixing kids.” It’s about joining ECE providers in caring for the social and emotional growth of infants and young children in ECE settings. We hope to build a strong relationship between you and our mental health consultants so that you feel more confident and supported in meeting the mental, behavioral, social, and emotional needs of the children (and families) you serve.

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Our Mental Health Consultation Services

Personalizing consultation to meet the mental health needs of infants and young children

Relationships are at the core of the consultation services we provide. Our mental health consultants develop intentional relationships with adults and caregivers in young children’s lives to build their capacity to strengthen and support the healthy social and emotional development of the children they serve.

Our highly-trained and licensed mental health consultants specialize in:

  • Infant and early childhood development
  • The effects of stress and trauma on families
  • Caregiver-child relationship and attachment
  • The impact of adult mental health on developing children

Learn More

Highly Trained and Licensed Mental Health Consultants
Our Consultation Process

Our Consultation Process

Supporting healthy development by addressing needs early

Our mental health consultation services are a no-cost, confidential resource for ECE professionals who work with infants and young children under the age of six. Our support system can help you better understand and foster the well-being of young children in your care.

You can request a mental health consult:
  • When everything is fine, to receive individual or program-wide training and support
  • When you need to think with someone to develop new approaches to support infants and young children in your care
  • When you are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your work

Explore Our Mental Health Resources